What is the manner in which we are to pray? In which place should we pray? With what disposition should we pray? Did our Lord Jesus Christ ever thought us how to pray? Where does prayer spring out from? Which prayer is acceptable before the throne of God? The reflection of St Cyprian on this topic "Prayer Comes From A Humble Heart" gives answer to the above questions. He did justice to those questions in his reflection in a manner that will really change certain things in the way we approach prayer. " Let our speech and our petition be kept under discipline when we pray, and let us preserve quietness and modesty – for, remember, we are standing in God’s sight. We must please God’s eyes both with the movements of our body and with the way we use our voices. just as a shameless man will be noisy with his cries, so it is fitting for the modest to pray in a moderate way. Furthermore, the Lord has taught us to pray in secret, hidden and remote places, in our own bed-c...