The world is on fire! 
The world is in happy mode. 
The world is busy.
The world is in loud noise!
For that which is very simple but is being compounded/ complicated. 
For that which is very understandable but is being misunderstood. For that which is very sweet but is being made sour/ bitter. 
 For that which is meant for happiness but now brings sorrow.
For that which is the nature of a generous supreme Being
but now portraits a selfish, unkind being.
For that which is our nature but now our enemy.
 For that which is our common language but now to us a strange language.
Love is good! 
Love is positive! 
Love is the source of our being! 
Love is the reason of our existence! 
Love is life. 
Love is the source of Joy!
 Love is beautiful. 
Love is the source of peace!
 To love is to live a true happy life.


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