O our God, we are before you seeking your help in our journey of faith. Our desire is to please you who is our beginning and our end. We need you in our journey, grant us patience in order to seek your will in whatever we may encounter in our journey. We need patience in order not to be quick to anger and rash decision. O God come and teach us how to be patient in the face of trouble, misunderstanding, confusion and sorrow. Help us to avoid quick judgement and conclusion and patiently seek your will, your design, desire in any situation we may find ourselves. Jesus, grant that we may imitate your patience and perserverance which is the key to the fulfilment of your earthly mission. We need your help Lord Jesus in order to persevere in our journey of faith. Lord with all the challenges you meet during your mission on earth you did not give up the father's will for you but persevered to the end. Grant us the same spirit in our journey O our Lover and Master we beg you. Follow us, lead us, direct us and help us, you whose example we have to follow, now and always, in your name o our Jesus we pray. Amen. O our loving Eucharistic and Merciful Jesus; grant us patience in our journey. O Jesus who did not give up on his mission; grant us perseverance. O dear mother Mary who in the face of all trials and passion of your son, patiently persevered to the end; grant that we may imitate you.


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