Jonny tried knowing about his future and how to go about it. 

He set out to visit a fortune teller, who told him that his future is clouded with difficulties and misfortunes. 

Remember, he wanted to know about his tomorrow, years to come, not the present. 

After his journey, he became so sad, so distracted that he could not concentrate on his daily endeavors.

 Hardly, he communicates to anyone, his conduct to people, everything around him turned sour, anger became his other name. 

His today which has been bright and sunny, his future yet to come has stained it. 

Use today to prepare for your tomorrow which no one knows about but your creator. Commit it into his hands and ask him to make it what you desire according to his holy will. 

No one can tell better about your tomorrow and do not rely on people's assumptions about you. Seek God's face, his intentions and interpretation not man's. God owns the world and everything in it. 

Remember, God governs the world but Prayer governs God. God is the only unchangeable changer, the Alpha and Omega, the uncaused caused. He can change any situation, call upon him rather than destroying yourself like Jonny.

Your tomorrow can not be evil, but if there is anything like that, tell it to Him who knew about it before your conception. Faith is the key to any success. What you believe in follows you and shape your entire history.

Do this and you will remain the STAR (unique) that helps to radiate joy to humanity.


  1. So touching, thanks for this wonderful message.

  2. Insightful words, may God give us His grace to trust and depend on Him


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