It is important to ask ourselves some pertinent questions so as to proffer solution to them.

1. What is Simplicity? 

2. Is simplicity practicable in our lives as Christian and most importantly as human beings? 

3. Who are the models of simplicity and how can we become models of simplicity?

4. Who is a simplicity personified (a simple being)?


As a way of proffering answers to the question above, the word or term simplicity means the condition of being plain, unmixed, or uncompounded;  not complex, or of consisting of few parts. It means being straightforward, free from duplicity and insignificant. In the world of fashion, we can also talk of simplicity of dress, of style, or of language; simplicity of diet; simplicity of life. When we are simple it becomes easier for people to understand us without the rigorous process of making inquiries, practicing simplicity of life allows us to recognize the beauty of our surroundings. Living simply allows us to slow down and focus on living with less stress and more fulfillment. According to Full For Life; Simplicity is living a life that is less hectic and shallow. When you understand simplicity, you begin to have an appreciation for things you may not have ... Living a simple life is a thing to desire and committed to. It needs no stress but frees one from stress. 


Yes, it is very possible and practicable. A standard definition of someone who lives a simple life is one who applies a less-is-more approach to almost every facet of life. We can see this call to simplicity when Jesus instructs us to not worry about our lives, what we will eat or drink or wear (Matthew 6:25-29). In fact, Jesus simplifies our lives to one thing: to seek first the kingdom of God. For those who wish to follow the way of Christ, simplicity is one of the virtues that is needed for our journey to enjoy beatific vision.


Christ is the first model of simplicity. He said, the son of Man has nowhere to lay down his head. He had nothing but owns all. Excess accumulation, extravagances are not evidence in the life of a simple person, so should a simple Lamb. When we look at the lives of the saints, we see simplicity in action. Many of them gave up all just for Christ’s sake. St. Mary of Egypt ended up living by her hair only as her clothes. St. Anthony of Desert too gave up all but today they are being celebrated. A life of simplicity is a life of joy, peace, undivided heart and serenity. It pays to live simple!


A simple being is s/he who lives after the example of Christ. Is s/he who does not worry about that which s/he does not have. Is s/he whose way of life is based on Less-is-more. One who does not let himself or herself to become entangled on the things of life that is not really necessary for him/her to be called unique person.

A simplicity personified is one whose whole life, hope and trust is based on what God desires. A simple being is one whose joy is in the Lord. S/he is one whose is contented with little and does not make war when his/her expectations are not coming fort. A simple being is at peace come what may. S/he finds meaning in every situation in life. It is a name attributes to persons who are selfless, none possessive, truancy, liberal, friendly and the like. A simple being is s/he who glory in sincerity in the patrimony of his/her state in life. One who, looking at Jesus as the Lamb led to the slaughter, gives his/her in exchange for his brother or sister. One who is ready to make sacrifice for the common good without expecting any financial or material reward. 

Are you a simple being? Do you make any effort to get to that state? It is achievable, it can be worked out. Simplicity of life is practicable, it is beautiful, it makes life easy. Hence, we are argued to desire it, go for it, and live it out. It leads people to their desired goals and I am sure, it will lead your soul, my soul and our souls to behold the beatific vision and enter into divine union with God where we shall behold his glorious face and reign with Christ who is our model of a simple Lamb after  our lives here on earth. Simplicity makes one unique, and glorious. 

 Be simple! Be Unique!


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