TRUE LOVE II (Love That Renews)
Joas has turned a new leave. He has started building his faith on that Father that his love is divine. He was very docile to cling to the truth that is capable of bringing change in one's life. The truth that makes one unique. One day he did this on his own: "O Joas has turned a new leave. He has started building his faith on that Father that his love is divine. He was very docile to cling to the truth that is capable of bringing change in one's life. The truth that makes one unique. One day he did this on his own:
"O Father of Divine love,
because I am still weak in love and
imperfect in virtue,
I need to be strengthened and
comforted by Thee;
therefore visit
Thou me often and
instruct me
with Thy holy ways of discipline.
Deliver me from evil passions,
and cleanse my heart from all
inordinate affections,
being healed and
altogether cleansed within,
I may be made ready to love,
strong to suffer, steadfast
to endure," in your name I pray. Amen!
(Imitation of Christ BK III ch 5:2)
Tilia was very happy that she has taught him a new way of life. And that Joas now believe in true love and that has renewed his heart and this is setting him apart, making him unique... Continue.
Be Open! Be Unique!
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