
Showing posts from January, 2021


There is one thing I know and I believe you do know but if you do not know, I will tell you. The values you have, those you have acquired, what you are endowed with, if not put into use for your good and the good of others because you feel you're not worthy or qualified to utilize them, out of fear, low selfesteem, it will die with you and become like the seed that never germinated and never yielded any fruit. But on the contrary, if put it into use, you will become a fruitful seed, planted in a garden from where many will find a sweet fruit that satisfies their souls, which gives meaning to their lives, which will also make them fruitful themselves. And this will make both you and them become unique and increase your glory.


The way out is in your hands. I mean "you" of the singular form. You are the one that has the solution to the case. "... I will put my laws in their hearts and inscribed them in their minds..." Hebrew 10:16.The message which is the solution is with you, in your heart and mind. Live out that which you know, that which your heart reminds you, what your conscience approves to be right. Don't compromise, don't postpone it, do it now, do it constantly. Don't excuse yourself today and proposing to start tomorrow. Live each day as if it is your last day on earth, no one knows what tomorrow will come with. The message is with you, start the cure the world is in need of. What the world, humanity is in need of, is in your hands. The truth that will set it free from sickness, war, confusion, hopelessness, and the like, is in your hands. "You are the salt of the earth ...and ...the light of the world... " Matthew 5:13-14. This are not mere words but a r...


Preaching with one's life does not only mean facing martyrdom for the sake of the message of salvation but being incarnate of what one professes. The living of the message of life, which came to us through the Son of God- Christ the Lord. The world is in need of the message of life, of hope, of restoration, of healing and of peace. The world does not understand anymore the former way in which this message has been presented, that is by words of mouth. It is still thirsty and hungry for consolation, even in the present situation, when it seems like the message is all over the world.This then shows the evidence that it needs a new method as well as a new strategy of understanding this message. This calls for urgency and quick responses. The immediate demand of this message and its new way of passing it on is the concern here. And this should be the business of all who claim that they have received the message and Christ who is its custodian. The time to start to preach to the wor...


Be positive, speak to people's hearts, the way to handle their weaknesses, what they need to do to get it right. Tell them the way to get out of their mistakes, how to correct their errors, how to abstain from wayward life rather than speaking against them, condemning them. Speak to their hearts rather than speaking about their errors. Speaking about their errors, mistakes, weaknesses can never bring about any change. "Gentle words brings life and health..." Proverbs 15:4 Then, try addressing the issues rather than their persons and you will marvel at the excellent changes you'll witness. Teach, instruct, approach, advice, and avoid condemning, criticising and laying blames and you will excel in building people's character and this will set them apart, special people and you will not be forgotten and this will add to their personality, their glory.


The way you do things shows the level of your understanding. The manner in which you handle issues shows your maturity; it either weakens or strengthens the soul you are dealing with. When you pretend to do things anyhow because you want to express your displeasure about a person or group of people, know it therefore that you are reducing yourself to a level you are not, you are betraying your personality. You want to deal with a person and you intentionally decide not to keep to appointment with him, you are reducing yourself to irresponsible and forgetful person and perhaps non- trustworthy person. Dishonesty, insincerity, falsehood and deception are the characteristics that may be attributed to your action, just because you wish to frown at a person you are not pleased with. But how much did you check? Did the person really displease you? Does he deserve the steps you are taking towards him? What is really the matter? Did he really offend you? Can you name what the person did? Are...


1. "Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love." (Theresa of Lisieux) It is so easy to achieve, just desire it and try it out everyday with the spirit of doing ordinary things in an extraordinary manner. And your uniqueness in doing this will add to your glory.


what you are will only be understood by those who believe in you. what you are not will be spread by those who do not believe in you. what you are, what you are not and what you will be is only known by Him(God) who knew you from your conception. Do not worry about any of those first two set of people because they can change at any time for man is dynamic. But hold fast to Him whose knowledge of you is clear and constant, your Creator. And this will set you apart(unique) and add to your joy(glory) always.


The value of a man is not written in the face. human worth is most of time difficult to asertain, for this reason treat all with respect so that you don't miss your God destined opportunity. Be wise, be respectful, be sensitive, take caution. your tomorrow may have be written together with that person you are referring to as wretched today. Eyes can not see the value of a man, because most of the time appearance does not show the qualities of a person, and what has been destined for him. know one knows tomorrow. listen to this and it may change your attitude, make you unique and become your glory.👇


Read:1Peter 1:13-21 *But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy.* (1 Peter 1:15) Holiness is an attribute of God, it is his trait in us. It is a character which He (God), expects everyone who loves and serves Him to emulate and have. *Holiness means pure without blemish, spots or wrinkles.* *Holiness implies being set apart for God's use and glory.* Any life still stainted with sin need cleansing to be holy. Our conduct must be holy; *our thoughts, actions, desires, expectations,* and so on must be holy to the Lord. We must possess our vessels or bodies in holiness (1Thessalonians 4:3-8; 1Corinthians 6:18-20) Our dressing, our speech, our discussions, our relationships etc. must reflect this attribute. *Why?* Because *God is a Holy God,* He can only inhabit holy places or people (Deuteronomy 23:14) Our holiness can only be established when our earthly journey has come to an end and His trait in us will be talked about. It is only ...

Feed the Future

"Good Art is timeless- it connect to the past and feed the future" so do a wise and responsible person, he connect to the past through learning, inquiry and feed the future with his wisdom and commitment by leaving reputation(the fruits of his wisdom) wherever he finds opportunity. And this sets him apart and become his glory. Are you ready and willing to feed the Future? Try something today and that will set you apart(unique) and add to your glory.


 Do something different from how it's done before now. Think out a new way, a different method. It may not really look different to you but just try it.  And that will make you unique and become your glory.


Is it possible to make a change? What can I do? One have lived on this earth whose uniqueness was "doing ordinary things in an extraordinary manner"  you can follow suit, and then you will make a change. And this will make you unique and that will become your glory


Patience and humility in adversity are more pleasing to me( Jesus ) than much consolation and devotion in prosperity. I am still living, said the Lord, ready to help you, and comfort you more than before, if you put your trust in me,... All is not lost if you feel yourself often afflicted, or grievously tempted. You are man and not god; you're flesh, and not angel. How can you think to continue ever in the same state of virtue, when this was not found in the angels of heaven, nor in the first man in paradise? I am He who raises up and saves those who mourn; and those who know  their own infirmity I advance to my Divinity.            O my Lord bless your word in my heart and direct me              by the straight road to your kingdom. Amen."

Welcome to my blog

Good day  Welcome to my blog where I shall be educating you on your , uniqueness your glory