Preaching with one's life does not only mean facing martyrdom for the sake of the message of salvation but being incarnate of what one professes. The living of the message of life, which came to us through the Son of God- Christ the Lord. The world is in need of the message of life, of hope, of restoration, of healing and of peace. The world does not understand anymore the former way in which this message has been presented, that is by words of mouth. It is still thirsty and hungry for consolation, even in the present situation, when it seems like the message is all over the world.This then shows the evidence that it needs a new method as well as a new strategy of understanding this message. This calls for urgency and quick responses. The immediate demand of this message and its new way of passing it on is the concern here. And this should be the business of all who claim that they have received the message and Christ who is its custodian. The time to start to preach to the world is now,this minute,this hour, today, this week, this very month, and the way to preach it is being "Pragmatic". It is by leaving it out by action. The way or method of preaching the message by words of mouth is no more effective. The world is tired of it, because the number of the pharisees are on the increase, and deception has become the order of the day. A lot of confusion has been caused, and souls are being lost every minute of the day. The innocent are becoming or are being termed victims. What is the solution to the world's condition presently? Is there hope of survival anymore...? To be continued.


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