The way you do things shows the level of your understanding. The manner in which you handle issues shows your maturity; it either weakens or strengthens the soul you are dealing with. When you pretend to do things anyhow because you want to express your displeasure about a person or group of people, know it therefore that you are reducing yourself to a level you are not, you are betraying your personality. You want to deal with a person and you intentionally decide not to keep to appointment with him, you are reducing yourself to irresponsible and forgetful person and perhaps non- trustworthy person. Dishonesty, insincerity, falsehood and deception are the characteristics that may be attributed to your action, just because you wish to frown at a person you are not pleased with. But how much did you check? Did the person really displease you? Does he deserve the steps you are taking towards him? What is really the matter? Did he really offend you? Can you name what the person did? Are you being objective or to the contrary? Your actions say much about you even to the extent of what you may have never conceived in your mind. So be careful what you do, the habit you display and your manner of approach to people because they can be misinterpreted and believed by those who are not able to guide themselves from distractive and destructive engagement.
"Let us examine and probe our ways, And let us return to the Lord".Lamentations 3:40
Do things that positively surport souls and avoid that which weakens it and this will set you apart and add to your glory.
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