So love exists. It is real. Love is the reality of life. I don't know why you feel and what goes on in your mind whenever you hear about this word love, but I know it's a beautiful phenomenon. I mean "Beauty-ful". Its component is so great and enomous. It is the beauty of love that brought about humankind which in Igbo language is called "Mmadu"-mma ndu. This literally means the "beauty of life." Love made this beauty of life possible.
God's love made creation of humankind possible. Man's love made procreation possible. Love brings about beautiful things. Love changes situations. It makes more beautiful the efforts of humankind, and God's as well.
What is seen in our world today is the product of God's love. The product of human passion. The product of lovely desire of humankind.
Nothing good truly exists without love.
It is the love of one's neighbour that brings about charity. It is the love of one's work that brings about faithfulness and commitment.
It's the love of one's country that brings about patriotism.
It is the love of humanity that leads one to live with others and leave good reputation.
It is the love of regeneration that brings about procreation.
Love soothes.
Love creates.
Love motivates.
Love heals.Love beautifies.
Love glorifies.
Is the kind of love you show able to do all of the above?
What do you understand by love?
How does it influence lives? What have you done to that person
you said you profess that you love for? Does it have a negative or positive impact on his/her life?
Let your uniqueness in loving others and God reflect in the lives of the people you encounter in life and this will add to your glory and add value to their lives.
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