The word of God in you is the hope of the world's glory, consolation, and healing. Bear the right fruit that is expected of you and trouble will lessen in the world, among humanity. Love genuinely so that the fruit of your love may change the condition of the world, "renew the face of the earth". What you have is enough to lift the people you can reach to another level, in terms of solving their problems, showing them the way forward. You have the message of hope that humanity seeks, your faith can give them hope. And the question is, do you have faith? What is your motion about yourself? What is the place of God in your life? What is your belief about the world in which you live, do you see it's quandary, it's dilemma, it's needs and worries? Or is everything okay, normal, alright in your own view? "A problem known is half solved." A known problem is already in the verge or process of being solved. And the question goes again; do you feel the problem of the world and of humanity?... To be continued.


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